Category Archives: Internet

Introduction to Domain Names and Web Hosting

MacBook on desk - Domain names and web hosting

A domain name is a structured, human readable, unique name for a place on the Internet. It is not unlike your postal address. The post office expects your postal address to be structured in a standard way, usually with your name at the top, followed by street and suburb, then finally country and postcode.

Similarly, a domain name has a domain and a top level domain (TLD), and sometimes one or more sub-domains. Continue reading

Managing Your Email Personas

Even though you are starting up a business and most likely it’s just you and maybe one or two other people, there is no reason not to put in place the organisational structure that your business will grow into.

One way to do this is to create different email accounts to help you keep organised and to provide a familiar environment for your customers. Each email address represents an aspect of your business. Each email address is one of the hats that you wear each day, one of your many personas.

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