Category Archives: Accounting

Productivity Hack #1 – Recording Receipts using a mobile app

As a business operator you need to make sure that you are able to deduct justifiable expenses otherwise you are giving mreceipt-perspective-dropshadowoney away to the tax man. One of the problems I have is ensuring that I capture those expenses in a way that lets me enter the information into my accounting software as well as meeting the ATO requirements for “written evidence”.

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The ATO has some very helpful information regarding invoicing. Their web site  contains extensive resources for business start-ups.

One useful booklet, downloadable as a PDF file, is “How to set out tax invoices and invoices” which provides voluntary standards for invoices and tax invoices. In only six pages, just about everything you want to know about how to produce an invoice is covered with examples and explanations.

If the link above isn’t working, go the the ATO Business page and use the Search facility at the top right of the screen to find NAT11675.