Connecting people with technology

We give you the confidence to move forward with the technology aspects of your business knowing that there is someone close by who understands, is experienced, and will help. You don’t need to do it alone.


As your business grows your needs change. Your business processes change and become more complex.  There is a period after startup that you just respond to the immediate demands and cobble together solutions to get you from one day to the next. You promise yourself that it won’t always be like this and that when things settle down you’ll be able to focus on better ways to do things. We all know that there is always an urgent demand on your time and the further down the path you go the harder it will be to put things right.


One day you just decide that it all has to stop. You can’t go on like this. You are working more and more hours and being less and less productive. Something has to give. It’s at about this point that you need to re-read Michael Gerber’s The E Myth Revisited or read it for the first time. This book will help you establish a better perspective on your business, why you are in business, and why it feels like it is killing you.


Part of your solution to overwork in your small business may be to simplify what you do by putting in place the right sort of technology solutions. It could be better staff communication, staff job scheduling, automating some of your processes, leveraging inventory management, and better managing customer relationships. Liberate your time and brain power to work on the real issues of growing your business.


The other part of Small Business @ Orotena Pty Ltd is dedicated to helping individuals get their small business out of the starting blocks by providing information and education. There are a lot of people that would love to try out their ideas for additional income streams or to take ownership of their future. There are as many reasons as there are people.


You might want to change the pace of your life, provide time to look after family, feel more in control of your future, be independent, or reinvent yourself and follow those passions that have taken second place to a life-long working career. Whatever the reason, these blog pages are here to help you along the way with practical information in bite-sized chunks on topics that you will need to know about.